
2022 VT Womenpreneurs Summit: Jane Lanza, The Family Tree

Jane is the co-founder and co-owner of Family Tree Hemp Company. Jane's responsible for running the business as Ben runs the farm and production. Her career is rooted in holistic living.

Before launching Family Tree, Jane co-founded Burlington Yoga Conference, Liberate Festival & School of Yoga, along with a still-thriving popular Burlington-area yoga studio.

Jane's wellness, event and marketing clients ranged from music festivals to meditation centers and boutique hotels. Jane runs meditation and cannabis retreat experiences focused on down to earth, informed wellness.

Jane's certified through UVM's Larner School of Medicine in Cannabis Science in Medicine. She has a degree in English from the University of Vermont.

Jane's grateful to work from home running the farm business, brand, and raising their two children.
Mascoma Bank presents Vermont Womenpreneurs Summit, which took place on June 8, 2022 at Hula Lakeside in Burlington. The theme for the evening was MotHER of Invention.

Cover Photo: Isora Lithgow Creations
Videography: Marcy Webster, Media Factory

2022 VT Womenpreneurs Summit: Sarah Krinsky, W. Collective