
2022 VT Womenpreneurs Summit: Sascha Mayer, Mamava

Sascha Mayer is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and co-founder of Mamava, the creator of freestanding lactation spaces for breastfeeding on the go. Sascha is a recognized expert on lactation space design, family-friendly workplace policies, and social entrepreneurial leadership. Her career in design started at JDK (now Solidarity of Unbridled Labour) where she helped develop the Living Brand®, Solidarity’s philosophy on brands and brand creation. As Strategy Director, Sascha designed and facilitated multidisciplinary creative-collaborative sessions with brands including HP, Levi’s, Lululemon, Merrell Apparel, Nike Women, and Seventh Generation. Prior to joining Solidarity, Sascha served as assistant press secretary for former Congressman (now Senator) Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.). She has a B.A. in Sociology from the University of Vermont and has been a Board Member of Vermont Businesses for Social Responsibility since 2019.

Mascoma Bank presents Vermont Womenpreneurs Summit, which took place on June 8, 2022 at Hula Lakeside in Burlington. The theme for the evening was MotHER of Invention.

Cover Photo: Isora Lithgow Creations
Videography: Marcy Webster, Media Factory


2022 VT Womenpreneurs Summit: Louisa Schibli, Vermont Women's Fund This Way Up


2022 VT Womenpreneurs Summit - FULL Version