Emma Mulvaney-Stanak is an organizer, activist and mom. She serves as a State Representative in the Vermont House of Representatives representing the Burlington district of Chittenden 6-2 (Old North End/New North End). She serves on the House Commerce Committee and is the Vice-Chair of the House Progressive Caucus. She is also a member of the Social Equity Caucus, Workers' Caucus, Women's Caucus and Climate Solutions Caucus.
In 2018, Emma founded a social change strategy consulting business, EMStrategies. Her clients include labor unions, non-profits, and municipalities and school districts looking to develop equity-informed, impactful strategic plans and projects that advance social change. Her past professional experience includes leading organizing and leadership development work at Vermont-NEA, directing the Vermont Livable Wage Campaign at the Peace & Justice Center, and serving as a City Councilor from the Old North End (2009-2012).
She is a graduate of the Snelling Center’s Vermont Leadership Institute and Smith College with a degree in political science. Originally from Barre, Vermont, she lives in the Old North End with her wife, Megan and two small children.
Emma will be a facilitator on the Build, Adapt, Iterate, Grow panel on November 2nd.
How can you help other womenpreneurs with your expertise?
Support navigating policy and/or politics within state government.
Support with anti-racist and equity strategic thinking (as a white, queer woman, trying to help fellow white folks grapple with the complexities of racism).
Strategic facilitation, strategic planning, and/or leadership coaching on how to advance a social change project.